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Like the other CBD companies, Amma Life offers a good amount of products to select from. From CBD oil to skin care, vaping, pastes and so on. We have found from orders placed that their attention to detail is exemplary.

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First experiences

From past orders that my family has made with Amma Life and from the products, they sent us to test we have first-hand knowledge of the quality of CBD they use. I have to say it is very very good. They sent us to try:

Our family and I have only previous experience with the 10% and 25% CBD oil which is excellent by the way, so having these new products to try was very exciting. We will review these products honestly and without bias if you keep reading down.[/vc_column_text]

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Amma Life product highlights

As previously mentioned, we have experience with the awesome 10% and 25% oil so let’s drill down into the reviews for the other products.

Amma Life CBD Paste 30mg review –

Receiving the paste from Amma Life was well packaged and the postage was the next day. So a great start!

Like per the oil, the paste looks disgusting and the taste is similar so you have to get these things out of your head before trying them. We found the CBD Paste to be smooth, consistent and seems to be absorbing well under the tongue for 20 seconds or so. We always recommend 60 seconds without swallowing, but Amma Life does say 20 seconds.

The label says with terpenes, this means that terpenes and cannabinoids available stay intact during processing which is widely classified as full spectrum.

Summing up the paste, we can say that the product we were given was of high quality and would, therefore, recommend that people do buy this if they prefer the paste delivery to the oil.

Buy CBD Paste Now

Amma Life CBD Topical cream review –

Delivery of the cream again from Amma Life was well packaged and the postage was the next day. So awesome there.

Having suffered some dryness on the hands I was keen to learn if this stuff could help. I was very surprised to see that it was un-fragranced, almost to the point of no smell at all (which is a good thing). Very smooth, not greasy at all but very moisturising, even after 2 hours of application.

This particular cream contains certified organic ingredients which

My problem with this CBD cream is the price. I have no doubts after using it that the cream is of high quality, but for such a small amount of cream, it just doesn’t seem tremendous value. I am sure Amma Life will argue that the contents cost a lot of money and production costs and distribution costs are high etc, but I am not convinced with the price for cream.

Amma Life has stated that “their deluxe CBD cream is more than double the size of their previous nourishing cream, with 110g per jar which should last several months”. Let’s see when it is released to the public.

That being said, this Deluxe CBD cream is of very high quality albeit you get a small amount, so use it sparingly on troublesome areas.

It is well known that CBD cream can help with scars, burns, arthritis, anxiety, pain, joint pain, stress, inflammation, memory, concentration, appetite and more. I am 100% sure that this CBD cream will also help with these symptoms too, just the price is a little high in my opinion. This is not just Amma Life’s cream, all CBD cream is overpriced.

Summing up the paste, we can say that the product we were given was of high quality and would, therefore, recommend that people do buy this if they need CBD cream.

Buy CBD Cream Now

Amma Life CBD Oil 10% review –

Delivery of the oil again from Amma Life was well packaged and the postage was the next day. Excellent as usual.

My dad has Multiple Myeloma cancer and I recommended him to use this back in April of 2018. He could not get up from his armchair without pulling himself up from the fireplace. Just 4 days after taking this product 4 drops, 4 times a day under the tongue he just got up unaided from the chair and my mum was in shock. She said, “do you realise you just got up unaided?” He said, “oh my god yes”.

He is still talking to this day in June 2019 and is still in remission! So, you won’t need many guesses what our review of Amma Life’s 10% CBD oil is going to be. He also takes the 25% CBD oil by the way.

The price point is pretty standard in the world of high-end cannabis oil so there is not much to complain about here as a bottle will generally last you a month or more if taken every day.

All I can say about Amma Life’s oil is it is Fantastic! High quality and does exactly what a CBD oil is supposed to do. Replace cannabinoids that the dear old governments decided to remove from our livestock and farms.

Buy 10% CBD Oil Now

Amma Life CBD Vape Liquid review –

Delivery of the vape liquid from Amma Life was well packaged and the postage was the next day. Great as usual.

Amma Life’s 5% vape liquid is well matched to the company that provides it, a very high quality! Smooth, tasteless and vapes very well. As a vaper myself, I have tried different brands and I have to say, until now, this is the best I have tried by quite some way.

The Amma Life CBD vape is from the whole plant extract which gives it that smoother taste. Amma Life’s superior extraction method means the cost is different from low-end vapes on the market that contains CBD crystals/ isolates and may often leave a bitter taste. Hence why flavourings are often used to cover taste up.

The price is a little steep but I think this is the same thing as the cream until the market and other factors push the price down, the general consumer has to suck it up. So maybe the price point is justified? What do you think?

The 5% strength vape oil is the one to buy as this has 500mg of CBD + terpenes in and will serve the most benefits.

As you can mix this vape e-liquid with your favourite e-liquid it should last you around a month depending on how much you inhale on your e-cig.

All in all, a splendid product and well worth getting.

Buy 5% Vape Liquid Now

Amma Life CBD Tea review –

Delivery of the CBD Tea from Amma Life was well packaged and the postage was the next day. Normal practice for Amma Life, excellent delivery.

I am not a fan personally of flavoured tea or herbal tea so it came as no surprise to find the taste of this tea is for me disgusting, it is described to be like green tea or jasmine tea. The benefits of consuming this tea with CBD in is on its own enough to make you drink it, but I don’t think anyone will convince me that any CBD tea tastes good. I guess that is a very British male thing, waking up to a cup of Tetley with 2 sugars!

I guess the major health benefits of drinking this CBD tea do go some way to argue that it could be supplemented to daily fluid intake, but in my humble opinion, it will never replace a good old fashioned cuppa.

The quality of Amma Life’s CBD Tea leaves me in no doubt they produce quality products and will continue to do so while looking to improve their ever-growing product range. 4 stars for this one.

Buy CBD Tea Now

Amma Life review: Final thoughts

Having sampled 50% of Amma Life’s products I am left with no doubts whatsoever that Amma Life CBD is without a doubt one of the best CBD companies in the UK. Their delivery costs are fair, they deliver when they say they will and their product prices are on the whole reasonable.

We were most impressed really by the vape oil and obviously the CBD oil, but I have got to say their other products are of equal quality, albeit some not to our taste.

If you buy your CBD supply from Amma Life, you will not be disappointed by their efficiency nor their products and I hope their CBD products help improve your health as they have us and our families.

Amma Life – 5% Off

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